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A Response to Essence Article “Single, Sexy & Saved.”


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Dear Essence:  

As Christian women, and readers of your magazine, we were shocked and disturbed by some of the sentiments expressed in the article, “Single, Sexy & Saved” written by Charreah K. Jackson and published in your March 2013 edition.  We want to be clear that our intent in writing this letter is not to bash Ms. Jackson as we are excited that she chose to explore the topic of sex and spirituality from a Christian lens.  However, as Christian women we believe it is important to address two inaccuracies expressed in the article that we feel could be extremely misleading to your readers.

First, Rev. Dr. Michael Walrond, Jr. is quoted as saying, “Just because someone is not in church every Sunday does not mean that they’re not the love of your soul. God is at the center of true love and can use a relationship to grow your faith.” Dr. Waldrond indicates that the expectation of having a mate who attends church regularly is not a relevant factor in a Christian relationship; nor is it the basis of true love. This opinion does not align with the truths found in the Holy Bible.  There are various biblical scriptures that would refute Dr. Walrond’s opinion.  For example, 1 John 4:15-16 tells us that God is love. Therefore, it is impossible to love God and not desire to be in his presence or to desire a closer walk with Him.  A joint esteem of church fellowship could help Christian singles build their identity as a couple and help them pursue a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ. Church is a place where believers can go to feel a sense of belonging and connection. Psalm 133:1 states, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” These scriptures remind us of the relevancy of being among like-minded individuals who have a common purpose in mind and a shared desire to have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The scriptures also affirm the value of church fellowship.

We are not saying that the church is the only place where believers can receive the redemption and/or the blessings of God-as God is omnipotent and can do anything, anywhere.  We are saying that church fellowship is vital to having an intimate relationship with God. Thus, it would seem only logical that church fellowship would become a major factor in the lives of Christian singles.If a single person attends church regularly, fasts, prays and reads his/her Bible, it is important that his/her mate has that same spiritual desire. Otherwise, one person is growing and the other is not. 

The biblical term “unequally yoked” is used to describe those who are not as spiritually mature as other believers.   2 Corinthians 6:14 tell us “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?” Paul, the author of the book of Corinthians tells us not to associate ourselves with unbelievers. Of course, the Apostle Paul is not telling us to forsake the witness of Christ to the lost or fallen, but he is warning us to limit our personal involvement with people who do not desire to live Christ-centered lives. To make it plain, the Apostle Paul is telling us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that we have no business giving unbelievers and/or spiritually immature people access to our most intimate selves. Believers should be linked together with other believers who are seeking to know God. What better place for Christian singles to grow and learn than the church- where opportunities abound for Christian singles to volunteer their time, talent and service by sowing in the lives of others- ultimately learning through action Christ’s example of love? 

We have all heard the testimonies of so many married couples, mainly women who complain that they married an unsaved man who wasn’t as mature in Christ as they were, and now their husbands won’t go to church with the family, pray and cover the family as the Bible admonishes or lead the family as the Head of the house as the Bible directs. There is so much more we could address on this topic. However, the paramount point we want to emphasize is that Christian singles who desire to be married must establish a strong spiritual connection at the beginning of their relationship and consistent church fellowship is one fundamental way of doing this.

            Second, there is a suggestion in the article by Ms. Jackson for readers to embrace their sexuality. She references a statement from Rev. Dr. Susan Newman’s book as a legitimate source for telling women to “embrace both sides of their nature by recognizing all people are sexual and many church practices are from a different time.”  This advice is unbiblical.  We agree it is important for single women and men to be comfortable in who they are as Christ-led singles.  Although we believe it is only natural for Christian women to embrace their feminity and for Christian men to embrace their masculinity, we believe the Holy Bible is the ultimate dating guidebook for Christian singles; it has clear directives regarding the limitations and restrictions that Christian singles should honor when dating.  Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” The same God in the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament and the same guidelines from days of old concerning pre-marital sex are just as relevant today for us as believers.  This is true in the face of knowing that many a Christian single, including some of us, have stumbled, fell and even missed the mark on more than one occasion.  Still, we can testify from our own personal experiences how biblical principles and church fellowship motivated us to address our sinful actions, encouraged us to seek redemption, and helped us grow all the more in our faith walks.  Unfortunately, many of us are now dealing with the consequences (i.e. disillusion, unplanned pregnancies) that resulted from our misguided actions.  When Christian singles omit God from being the head of our lives, refuse to apply biblical laws and precepts to our lives, and fail to trust God in choosing a suitable mate, then we reap the consequences.  We also risk entering into unhealthy marriage relationships that may ultimately end in divorce. 

Regardless of what experts and pastors say, pre-marital sex or sex before marriage is fornication.  This fact is supported in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  There is no scripture in the Holy Bible that would support Dr. Walrond’s suggestion that Christian singles can have sex with whoever they choose as long as it is not with a prostitute.  That sort of thinking does not align with God’s principles, nor God’s character. God is a God of decency and order and He requires holiness. 

In 1 Corinthians 7:7-9, the Apostle Paul explained how he practiced abstinence and encouraged those who had the resolve to do the same, while encouraging those who did not to marry. This doesn’t mean Christian singles should marry just to have sex, but it does mean that God has the final authority in our lives as Christian singles and that sex is a gift reserved for marriage. 

Remaining abstinent while single is not an easy task; each of us can attest to that and some of us can even share how we failed to stay sexually pure.  This is all the more reason why we believe having an active church fellowship is an important strategy in helping Christian singles live victorious lives.  There are countless people who read this article and got a warped sense of what dating means to Christian singles and feel justified in engaging in pre-marital sex.  Thus, we feel a sense of urgency to submit this letter and offer correction in a way that shares God’s love and enlightens readers, both believers and non-believers to biblical truths, as the truth will set us free.  

 God bless,

Quiniece Sheppard, Mitzi Carrasquilo and Lynn Pinder.


  1. Anna Ervin-Evans says:

    I have not seen the Essence article however, this response is awesome. I honor you all for speaking out. You’ll are absolutely correct, because a certain person will say such things (Pastor or specialist) people tend to take it as truth. You’ve written an on time word to put that false, worldly talking to rest. Thank You. Be blessed!

  2. lynehar says:

    Beautiful well written article ladies~ Be the change you want to see, well done!!

  3. Carlene says:

    I hear you LOUD & CLEAR… I hope others will too! You have articulated and expressed my views exactly (what does the Holy Bible say about it!).

    Living a christian single life is not easy but it has strengthened my relationship with God and allowed me the time to focus on Christ and my life until that day come when I met my mate.

    Quiniece, continue to let God use you to spread the word, for you have surely been a blessing to me and many others!

  4. I totally agree with the article. I have to train my 10 year old granddaughter now before she gets into any entrapment. I told her we need to make God happy and that she needs to keep her record pure. I told her God sees everything that we do and his angels write everything down. Fornication is a sin of your body and serious consequences can occur, pregnancies, disease, and not being a virgin for your husband. I told her sex is for married adults only. Sex is not for kids. You have to be strong read your Bible, study for good grades and to be well read. You are different from worldly people. Yes we have to control our children’s environments and lives. People in the world are doing all kinds of evil things to our children.

  5. Pamela says:

    First, I just joined this Black Writer’s Group through LinkedIn because I am an up and coming author, but I am definitely having second thoughts after reading your response to the Essence article.

    First of all, the God I know is not about judgment. That is the God of religion and religion is of Man, not God. Many claim that the Bible was written by God, but the God I know is composed of LOVE and LOVE is ENERGY. Love has no reason to write books for it’s existence is PURE and needs no definition or explanation. God may have inspired the Bible, but it was never written by God. It was written by man. Furthermore, the King James version (which most American Christians use) was edited by a king, an English king who wanted control over his “subjects”, which he was able to exert through biblical influence.

    The exceptions to that rule were put on boats and sent to America and they eventually stole the land from the indigenous native nations who were also eventually controlled by believers in the Bible.

    Religion has controlled men for thousands of years with FEAR, beliefs in such concepts as ‘Sin’, hell, purgatory and the like. yet with the dawning of truth in this age, one can release such fear based beliefs and embrace the truth.

    In my humble opinion, the truth states that there is nothing but perfection, for GOD as Perfection cannot create otherwise.
    Our disbelief in our own perfection leaves us wallowing in need of ‘being saved’ and man’s churches have open arms for those who so wallow.

    Man’s conscious mind, also known as EGO, is what I read being expressed here. God created men and women as co-creaters with His Profound Energy. Such words as ‘fornication’ were created by the dominant culture to keep ‘control’ over the masses.

    When a Soul TRULY knows the God within their own being a church, minister, etc. are not of necessity. To me the church is a place to go for socialization of my beliefs in Divine Energy….the key word being SOCIALIZATION!

    Yes, one can seek solace within the walls of a building where the energy of the people is stored and built upon week after week and day after day,or the covers of a book such as the Bible, or the Koran or the Kaballah, but until one finds the energy of GOD/LOVE within his or her own Being/Heart then it matters not whether one attends church or their partner/spouse attends church for it is not in attendance of church that one enters the Kingdom of Heaven….but rather the manner in which one lives day to day creating heaven upon earth with their own Love Energy and actions based therein.

  6. Miss Clareese says:

    I love the response! The world we are living in now is in complete denial, people want to hide from the truth any way they can. Single Women, Single Men, please take heed to to the word of God, and that’s what it is, plain and simple … The Word of God! Quiniece Sheppard, Mitzi Carrasquilo and Lynn Pinder, bless you for taking a stand! No matter what the Naysayers do or say, you keep standing on the TRUTH! Love Ya Babies

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