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Do You Bring God to the Work Place?


After recording two virtual ministry radio programs on “Pressured to Work,” I strongly feel there is an importance on what we do for the Kingdom of God and in the work place. To review or listen to these past recordings are available on free podcasts on iTunes (DYRP Midnight Hour) or

In “The Day Begins with Christ” on Day 37, there are some questions we need to ask ourselves. Do we take God to the workplace? Do we pray and thank God for the job? By work of your hands, labor, and dedication, we are able to value our accomplishments, promotions, and salary increases. In addition, your work glorifies the Lord, which depends on your choice of profession and whether you are sharing the gospel with others at your workplace. Therefore, I know God is shifting some of you to a new work environment, new duties, new responsibilities, and maybe a new place. There is a transformation taking place that takes Action, Reaction, and Motivation (ARM). We have to act on what God is giving us and presenting to us, as well as be mindful of our actions. Are we displaying godly characteristics, or showcasing a demeanor that is not like God at all? We also have to be aware of our reactions to various situations, both good and bad. There are others watching you and wondering are you truly who you say you are which may also challenge you to see if you are capable and able to perform the job accordingly. Then, like David, we need to encourage ourselves and stay motivated to pursue the careers and will of God regardless of what it looks like around us.

In Proverbs 14:23 shows that all labor includes a profit. However, useless chatter only leads to poverty. Useless chatter is usually someone that talks about doing things, working on projects, and bragging about entrepreneurship. However, not seeking a position or employment opportunities leads to poverty. Furthermore, one can end up homeless because of only speaking about working, but not seeking employment that would bring any money in the household.

Another valuable lesson is taught from Proverbs 30:24-31: how the ant teaches us about preparation; badgers about wise building; locusts about cooperation and order; and spiders about fearlessness. There are two kinds of people: diligent and lazy. Which one are you? Remember what we sow, we will reap. This is the season for sowing and reaping.

Don’t turn back from the path God has you on to fulfill your dreams, visions, and final road of your destination. Will you take the detour?

Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a heap of debt, seeking for debt counseling, or other means to pay our debts. No matter how long or how hard the situation is, God will open or close the doors for His children. He knows the job for you, if you believe and continue to pray to Him. I am a witness to how you can be at your lowest, and how God can bless you.

Because our days are numbered, we want our work to count, to be effective and productive.We desire to see God‘s eternal plan revealed now and for our work to reflect His permanence. If we feel dissatisfied with this life and all its imperfections, remember our desire to see our work established is placed there by God.However, our desire can only be satisfied and rewarded in eternity. Until then, we must apply ourselves to loving and serving God.

And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God” Ecclesiastes 3:13, NLT.

Your ability to find satisfaction in your work depends on your attitude. You will become dissatisfied if you lose the sense of purpose God intended for your work. Consequently, it is easy to lose sight of the vision without provision. Moreover, we see how the job market has sent jobs overseas for less of the production costs and statistical information shows a significant number of people unemployed. Job Market from Career (Sacramento Bee 3/10/13) suggests “learn as much as you can about the business. You also can work toward establishing relationships with people who could help you later in your career.” These tasks can seem effortless and unrewarding its still work that must get done. It’s about lasting impressions that sell you! It is our positive attitude that shines. Temp jobs are a tryout to see if there is a match or perfect fit for permanent hire.

However, you may be wondering why your workload has increased and more demand on those expected results. When God is at work in any situation, there will still be sufferings, setbacks, and hardships will occur. In James 1:2-4, we are encouraged to be happy when difficulties come our way. Problems develop our patience and character by teaching us to: trust God to do what is best for us; look for opportunities to honor God in our present situation; remember that God will not abandon us; and watch for God‘s plan in us.

Perhaps you have felt caught in the middle at work, or in relationships in your family or church. If you are constantly complaining or turning on the leadership, this does not solve the problem. For these supervisors, God had a larger purpose in mind. So, rather than turning on the leadership when you feel pressured by both sides, turn to God to see what else He might be doing in this situation.

For personalized copies by the author, please review the websites to order your copy today. Adrienna Turner: or Dream4More:

Adrienna Turner

PO BOX 240803

Milwaukee, WI 53224

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