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Elevator Mouth



 “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.”  Ephesians 4:29

An elevator does two things: It lifts people up or it brings people down. Your mouth is like an elevator. You can use it to uplift people or you use it to bring people down. You are the righteousness of God. Therefore, the above Scripture applies to you. The first word in that verse is “let”. This is an action word that means you’re in control of it. This is something that you have the responsibility to do. God didn’t say that He would remove corrupt words from your mouth. No, He told you to do it.

The Scripture also instructs us to use words that edify. What does the word “edify” mean? Edify means to build up or improve. Anything that tears a person down is not edifying. You should not be tearing down others with your words. It’s wrong to get nasty with people. Sarcasm shouldn’t be in your voice. Bad attitude shouldn’t be pouring out of your mouth. Stop getting smart with people. You’re not called to belittle others. To belittle a person reveals that you’re a little person. Surely child of God, this is not right!

“When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should.” Colossians 4:6 NCV.

When people hear you speak, they should hear grace. They should perceive knowledge from your lips and wisdom in your speech. They should feel good after a conversation with you. This is how the righteous should speak. However, this type of edification doesn’t happen automatically. Just because you’re saved doesn’t mean you automatically know how to speak to people. This is something that you must learn and practice. Mediocre Christians never learn this, because it takes time, effort, and action to do it. Therefore, laziness causes them to let anything fly out of their mouth. It takes more time to build a house than it does to tear one down. Likewise, it takes energy to learn how to edify people. It takes little to no training at all to bring people down with your words.

“Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.” Ephesians 4:31.

No one wants to be around people with foul mouths. Who wants to hear people cussing, nagging, complaining, gossiping, or bickering? These things are not edifying. Isn’t it pleasing to be around people who are uplifting and encouraging? You need to be that kind of person. You should be the one who everyone wants to come to. You should be gracious and easy to talk to. Your words should be filled with the Word of God. Fill your mouth with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Motivate and encourage people to do better. Your words should be filled with grace and seasoned with revelation. Speak in a way that constructs, develops, and builds people up.

“Don’t use dirty or foolish or filthy words. Instead, say how thankful you are.” Ephesians 5:4 NCV.

As the righteousness of God, you need to learn how to uplift people with your words. Start as soon as possible. If you’re not elevating people with your words, then by default, you may be bringing them down. Your mouth can be used like an elevator and you get to decide which direction it will go.



BILLIE MILLER “The Motivational Minister” is a Bible teacher, speaker, and author of the Amazon Bestselling book “Life in Righteousness: The Word is Your Life” and the Life-Changing book “30 Days of Righteousness: The Word is Your Life Action Plan”. Thousands of lives have been changed through Billie’s powerful teachings. For more information please visit Follow Billie on twitter (@BillieMiller7) and on facebook (BillieMillerPage).

  1. Sounds great. Is it true if we are in pain (emotionally, spiritually, or even physically) that our words will be filled and disbursed as such for others to hear or feel in return? If we are not feeling well, seems like it is written all over our face and in our actions/attitudes as well even if we do not speak a word.

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