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Get in Alignment

We may be looking through tinted windows and afraid to see the beauty within us to shine for all to see. Although we have recognized our talents, abilities, and/or skills and put them to work, we still may not see who we truly are. God already knows who are you and where you’re going, but we either move too fast or too slow but do not allow things to happen in its timing. We have to clearly understand that everything happens in its due timing (Eccl. 3). Yet when we hear a Word or receive a revelation, we’re trying to rush and finish the race before God is in the running with us. Or we rather not receive it, ignore it, and forget that we’ve even heard it; so we do nothing. This nothing can last for years, or way longer than God ever intended it to be. A good example is the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years that could have taken only days.

However, I had a talk with God about being transparent and sharing a few of my talents, then wondering why am I in the wilderness. I’ve been in the literary arena for ten years with ten books completed and published in seven years. After this shift, I’ve put projects on hold and even wanted to stop writing altogether. Behind the scenes, I sent out a few manuscripts to publishers that I’ve studied, connected with their authors, researched the literary industry and market, and even received rejections. When I was at my brink point, I received a literary award for “The Day Begins with Christ” for female author of the year and celebrated with the special ladies of my life at the event. Then when I didn’t see a need to continue writing, I got a publishing deal offer before even submitting my work. I knew God was aligning me in position. I told God around midnight until I was able to finally wind down around four a.m. that I put my heart and soul in these literary projects with Your anointing to guide the pen as I was only the instrument to orchestrate the finished craft but why do you only give us a glimpse of these future realities?

Despite the dreams, the visions, the revelations, and celebrating others breakthroughs in their crafts, my mind lingered on a statement made on Unsung with Phyllis Hyman. The statement was addressed that she was a musical geniuses but didn’t have the record-breaking sales. Then I thought about my literary career as an author and contributing writer where I’ve volunteered at speaking events and given books for free, not yet to see the ground-breaking sales like being on best-seller list. Or the royalty checks that reveal such effort, sweat, and insomnia-restless nights while working on these literary pieces. But God keeps bringing certain people, dreams, visions, confirmations, or situations where I have to keep pressing through and believing that I will see the fruits of my labor.

Through my educational efforts, after seeing the economy fall, I had already experienced unemployment, lay-offs, and financial woes too many times whereas I know how to weather the storms. Despite of speculators gossip, family and friends unbelief, I plan to pursue a law degree. Therefore, we have to keep hope alive because our dreams need to be showcased for someone else to stay inspired to pursue the dreams and gifts that also lives within them. We often talk about our talents and gifts, but fail to activate them when the opportunity presents itself because we allow every excuse to stand between our blessing and us (Wilson, My Business, His Way, paraphrased). Please do not let this be your downfall when aligning yourself in position. Believe and know that we are more than capable in completing our God-given assignment. Keep the faith and speak affirmations to keep pressing towards the goal (see Phil. 4:6-7). Moreover, do not let division stop the vision.

Then, I’ve done several virtual radio programs, TV appearances as a guest host locally, acting in a small stage play production for nearly two years, and appeared on other radio programs but others wonder why do you do it if you see no profitable results from it or lack of participants/listeners. I felt led to step out of the norm, my comfort zone, and venture to new avenues. After four years, four shows, this year may be the end but know that it’s aligning and preparing me for something much bigger.  

These things are stepping stones and soon will see the top of the mountain of opportunities and financially secure. Ultimately, these things are meaningless without God in it. Moreover, we have to be ready when God tells us to go. I recall one incident where it was time for me to go, sell my home and just go to California. At the time, I thought of everything that could go wrong and how it wouldn’t work out for my good; then others also buzzed negative things in my ears as if I wasn’t hearing from God. You sure it wasn’t you talking for God. Really?! Me? So after my sister’s wedding in October 2007, relying on my current job as security, a month later, was terminated. I was out of work until April 2008 and this job only lasted five months! Then I tried in July 2008 to visit California for a law seminar and seemed promising to make that move until a few months later my father relocated from Southern California to Northern California. After God had revealed to me this was the place, loved the law school there, and the church while visiting there, everything went to shambles. The church shut its doors less than a year later and dad no longer lived where I thought I was going. So for the last five years, I pleaded and begged God to show me the way…and when I thought I knew…no open doors or opportunities except maybe someone lived there that might help me out. I couldn’t rely on that…empty promise. During April and May 2013, visited two possible locations and still waiting to hear from God, for reassurance, and deeply feel that I better be ready this time to just pack up and go! Sometimes we will not have it all together financially, planned out strategically and analytically, or a plan B but trust that God will be there.

A’ndrea Wilson shares in her book, “My Business, His Way” that sometimes God allows shortage, or to be in a desolated place, just so that He can be glorified. When he steps in and creates the miracle that takes us from a place of lack to a place of overflow. He desires that we rely completely on Him and not what we see, which is faith.  When you are willing to trust God and move towards your destiny, success is inevitable.

Words of encouragement while getting in alignment: You are giving birth to your dreams whereas complications seem harder to PUSH this thing forth. But the more adversity, the more God’s protection and favor is coming your way! Press through the pain…heartaches…and hard times, because the miracles in the midst are worth it all! Don’t fall!

Overall, if we knew what would have happened then things would be different. We just need to change our mindset and believe the unbelievable, and get in alignment with the plans that God has for our lives.

Adrienna Turner can be reached at:

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