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Greater St. Stephen FGBC, Bishop Paul S. Morton and Co-Pastor Debra B. Morton
Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. was born in Windsor Ontario, Canada but was destined to move to the United States. God had a special calling on his life that extended far beyond the Canadian borders. In 1972, he moved to New Orleans, LA. Not long after, he became the Senior Pastor of the Greater St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church. He served faithfully there for thirty-three years. Under his leadership, it became a “Full Gospel” Baptist Church, expanding to three areas of the city, maximizing at seven services per Sunday.
However, after the devastating storm, Katrina, God repositioned him. At God’s command, he passed the mantle to his wife, Debra B. Morton, who now serves as Senior Pastor of the mother church in New Orleans, LA. Bishop Morton now serves as Senior Pastor of the “baby” church, GSS Changing A Generation, in Atlanta, GA which was birthed out of the mother church. Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. and his wife Pastor Debra B. Morton now serve as each other’s Co-Pastor. Now “One Church in Two States”, their slogan is “Changing The Way We Do Church!”
Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. is also the founding Presiding Bishop of one of the fastest growing movements in America, the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International.
As an apostle, he has birthed many churches out of Greater St. Stephen FGBC, New Orleans, LA. Bishop Morton is also an international television preacher who, for over twenty-five years, reaches thousands of souls for the Lord on a weekly basis.
Morton is also a gifted author and an anointed singer, having received numerous Stellar Awards.
His life in Christ is evidenced by his love and compassion for his family, the brethren and those who are lost.
Many esteem him as a Pastor’s Pastor; a Leader’s Leader; His wife and children revere him as a loving husband and role model father.
Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. who strives to exemplify the heart of God, is truly God’s Man!