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How to Quench a Thirst Born in the Wilderness by Ophelia Brown

How to Quench a Thirst Born in the Wilderness

Once I saw the title of the book, I was intrigued to read it to quench my curiosity. As soon as I opened the pages, I could feel the compassion that the author felt for young women who are in uncommitted and unhealthy relationships in the first section of the poetry book (Encounters). Ophelia Brown may be sharing her own past experiences of heartache, not receiving the love she longed for in her past relationships, and heartbroken overall. Many young girls can relate and have been either naive or vulnerable to the meaning of love. I see this book for 18+ mature young women.

This is one of the first poetry books where I was captivated and sympathized with every word that I read of a hurting woman especially seeking for love in all the wrong places. These poetic words sung deeply in my soul (mind and emotions); which made it harder to chose my favorite ones. Finally, I concluded that in the section entitled Celebrate Myself had motivating and encouraging poems to continue to celebrate your feminist side or uniqueness. There were life-altering and life-changing with affirmation poems in which I loved the most: Requiem (p. 148), Midnight Walk (p. 31), and Once Tangled Wings (p. 131). The most compassionate and sensual, somewhat erotic ones were found in Colorful Nights. Overall, the shorter poems touched my mind and heart the most that were enriched with passion, sweetness, and bit of bitterness from past hurts or emotional pains which humankind is able to get a grasp of their own existence. Lastly, some of the selected poems (to my likings) in the section called Creator and Created were geometrically, mathematically interweaves God with His creation so symmetrically how it all aligns to His magnificent being.

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Dream 4 More Reviews,
Sweet Dreams
Adrienna Turner



Ophelia Brown

About Ophelia Brown

Living through a period of dispair,-once recouperated- Miss Brown decided it was time to express herself and get out the many emotions she had and to fulfill a dream she had to become a published author. The result is two books of poetry. December 2010, she graduated from USM with a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. She is very hopeful about the future.

  1. That’s great to share her bio too.

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