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If I Only Knew

Sometimes, we want to plan our journey of life as we see fit but God holds the key to our futures. When I look back on my life and the choices I’ve made, I tend to shake my head and wonder why I did such foolish things or tried to plan things out when God already knew what was going to happen. He may allow situations or storms to come in my life to warn me not to go in that direction, or to get me back on track. I may not like the U-turns, dead-ends, or the bumps in the road but again I have to realize that God has it under control. The U-turns are necessary since I tried to go my way and God is turning me around in the right direction.


The dead-ends are necessary for spiritual and mental growth in my life journey, since it allows one to see it is the end and nothing is developing there for your good and it’s time to let it go. For instance, some of us will hold on to memories that are dead and long-gone and God is saying—let it go. Sometimes, we are holding people accountable and guilty for the things they have done against us, but forgiveness releases you and them from this thing you refuse to let go. Other times, we hold onto our careers, wealth, and other materialistic things instead of depending and trusting in the Lord—but God will take you to a place where you have to let go and let Him do it.

Lastly, the bumps in the road are those things we stumble and fall but we can get back up. The sin is to keep us bound, in chains, and holding us down since we are attached to things of the world, when Jesus says we should not be conformed to things of the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (see Romans 12:2, NKJV and refer  also to Romans 8:28-30; Philippians 3:9-11, 20-21).

When we are going through, we find ourselves saying “if I only knew” and God is showing you. If you do not see with your spiritual eyes, He is speaking. God is asking, “Are you listening or tuning me out.” Yes, God comes to us in a still, quiet voice and this is why we need to silence ourselves through meditation, or being still (turning off the distractions such as TV, Internet, Radio, etc.). He also comes to us in the midnight hour which means, when we are undergoing our long-sufferings or hard times that God is omnipresent.  Other times, we have to do things our way no matter what and learn the hard way.

There are some projects I hassled and worked diligently to complete and still was back where I started. I wondered why this had to happen to me. I paid my dues and went through the trials faithfully, and wondered what I will gain from this suffering. Ultimately, I gained the knowledge and wisdom to sit down and be still and wait to hear from God. I learned patience and humility. I learned we cannot get upset over spilled milk, meaning, some things are bound to happen and out of our control. We need the serenity to know the difference when we can get involved or allow God to do it for us. We do not have to tussle and fight, just like electrons, protons, and neutrons will attract to neutral, positive and/or negative energy just like humans do.

As believers, we need to attract ourselves to like-minded people of God; who truly manifest His presence and essence, that will encourage us with their testimonies — of how they survived or how God provided a way out. As naysayers will come and go, we need not to take heed to those negative people who will only tear us down and drain our energy on negative forces that will make us weigh things negatively. Also, there are times where we have to remain neutral and not try to figure everything out or say a word as the situation will fix itself in God’s timing. Therefore, we have to allow God to fight our battles for us. We have to continue to do what is right, even if we look foolish to the world because they have the mindset of their ruler—not God. Let’s dust ourselves off, let bygones be bygones and past stay in the past and remain kingdom minded for Jesus wants us reunited with Him—regain that relationship between the Father and His children.

Adrienna Turner can be reached at:



  1. thanks for listening all my links to find me. I loved this article and had to come back to read it as a rejuvenating experience! :)

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