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It’s A New Season!


Article by Afi Pittman

As I write this I’m on my 3rd deployment in my 8 years in the military. This one was different from the other two, though. While I won’t say I didn’t want to go on this deployment, I will say that I wasn’t looking forward to missing out on the life I left behind.

You see, I had found a church home that changed my life as I knew it. I was enjoying my residence. I loved the area I worked and lived in. And I was even branching out and trying new things (like golf!) and meeting new people. I used to wonder why Jonah ran from God’s calling. But once I found out about this deployment, I saw Jonah in a new light. Jonah probably didn’t want to leave the life he loved behind! But I’ve digressed. The point is that while I knew this deployment was full of opportunities – to meet new people, to visit another part of the world, and to enhance my chances of promotion should I stay in the military – I knew it meant 6 months away from the life I’d come to love.

Now that I’m here – once again on the other side of the world from the U.S. – I see that perhaps a season was simply coming to a close. And that seasons ending is necessary for the next one to usher its essence into your life. Friend, wherever God is taking you, sometimes you have to let go of a season – even if you love it – to get to where He wants you to be. In singleness, maybe He wants you to take a break from dating. Maybe He wants you to change jobs or cities. Maybe He’s calling you to take that missionary trip you saw announced somewhere. Maybe He just wants you to get involved in a local volunteer organization – mentor a child, clean up around your neighborhood, or lend a helping hand. Whatever it is, consider whether or not God is trying to move you from one place to another.

Then again, God may be saying a particular season is not over. I thought my season of adventure and globe traveling was over because I was ready to (as I say) “stay in one place longer than 5 minutes”. But I found out that it wasn’t once I realized that I was going on this deployment thousands of miles away from home – again. For you, maybe you’re ready to leave your season but God is whispering to give it just a little while longer. And let me tell you – when He says a little while longer, it’s worth the wait!

So wherever you are in your current season, hold on, pay attention and learn all you can. With God, no time is wasted and no season is without its purpose.




Afi Pittman is an author and radio show host. She is also active duty Navy and has traveled the world and lived abroad. Her company, Author of Faith Enterprises provides a safe place for single women to live happily while preparing for marriage.


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