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Janice Jones
My name is Janice Jones. I was born July 6, 1966 in Detroit, Michigan. I lived in the great state of Michigan until August, 2007, when I moved to Phoenix, Arizona. I am the mother of two sons, Jerrick & Derrick Parker, and grandmother to Jevon Jerrick Parker.
I have been an avid reader since picking up my first non-fiction story, The Burning Bed, by Francine Hughes. I began reading the book when I was seventeen years old and have since become a raging word-aholic. I am totally addicted to the written word in many forms. Reading is my absolute favorite pastime.
I did not grow up in church, but I always enjoyed attending. However, I never truly understood what it meant to have a real relationship with God. I fully accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in May of 1999. Approximately one year later, I heard the voice of God instructing me to write my first novel, His Woman, His Wife, His Widow. Obediently, but slowly, I wrote the book.
In December 2005, I met Sabrina Adams, Publisher and CEO of Zoe Life Publishing, at a writer’s conference. Sabrina and I chatted for a little while and I told her about some spiritual essays and poems I wrote that I wanted to put together as a collection and have them published. We set an appointment so she could view my work. At our initial appointment Sabrina read one chapter of an essay and told me that she would be doing me and my potential reading public a great disservice if she were to publish what I had in the format that I submitted. She told me that the first paragraph alone could be turned into a true testimonial that would fit into a complete book. I took her advice ad went back to work on it. Two months later, Still Standing, my first non fiction book, was accepted for publication.
Still Standing is a spiritual testimonial of how God has brought me through every harrowing, hurtful, and horrific experience of my life. The book gives detail to some of my trials, tribulations and the victorious outcome to every situation.
I am also a novelist, published under the Kensington Publishing imprint, Urban Christian Books with four titles for UC: His Woman; His Wife; His Widow, From Sinner to Saint, Lindsay’s Legacy, which is the sequel to His Woman His Wife His Widow, and The Book Store Rule.
Since moving to Phoenix, I have become a member of First Institutional Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr. In October of 2010 I became a licensed minister. My branded moniker is Minister JJ. Back in Detroit, I was lead and directed by two dynamic pastors, Dr. Nathan A. Proche’ of Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church, and Dr. Wilma R. Johnson of New Prospect Missionary Baptist Church.
It is my goal, and I believe God’s true calling on my life, to be a successful minister, author and novelist. I truly love to write and I enjoy telling and creating stories that will prayerfully edify, uplift and educate others on the benefits of living life as a Christian, a true follower and servant of Jesus Christ. Everything that I pen is done to show the redeeming power of Christ love and sacrifice which is available to all who are willing to accept.