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Lead Me Home, Award-Winning Author Stacy Hawkins Adams



Interview by Vanessa Richardson

Stacy Hawkins Adams is an award-winning author, columnist and speaker.

The Certain Ones: Hello thank you for chatting with me! When did you know that you were chosen not to just write but to become an author?

Stacy Hawkins Adams: I started writing poems and short stories as a young child, soon after I learned to read, and I fell in love with the craft. By the time I was in third grade, I had decided to become an author, and I began writing my first book. I still have one of my partially-completed manuscripts from childhood in my possession.

The Certain Ones: What has your literary journey been like for you?

Stacy Hawkins Adams: It has been humbling, rewarding and challenging, all rolled into one! I’m humbled and honored every time I hear from readers who tell me that one of my books inspired them to view life differently, to make changes for the better, or to deepen their faith, as a result of what my characters went through. It has been rewarding to see my lifelong dream of becoming an author come true. I love writing stories that entertain people and help them grow in some way, and it’s a wonderful feeling to see my novels on a bookstore shelf or in e-book form. The challenging part has been figuring out how to get my books into the hands of the most readers possible – learning how to become an effective marketer as well as a solid writer. Most aspiring authors just want to write and share their stories; the reality is we also have to be our books’ biggest champions, and help our publishers promote them to readers.

The Certain Ones: What is your writing process like?

Stacy Hawkins Adams: It varies, based on whatever other tasks I’m juggling at the time. When I first started penning books, I worked full-time as a newspaper reporter, so the best time for me to write was early in the morning, before I left for work. I’d write from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. three mornings a week to finish a book. When I left that career to focus on freelance writing and marketing consulting work, I had more flexibility, and would carve out two to three hours a morning to write, before checking emails, et cetera. I now serve as a full-time marketing and communications professional at a private school and write a freelance parenting column for my daily newspaper, so I’m back to writing early in the mornings a few times a week, and sometimes on the weekend. The one thing that hasn’t changed is what I always urge the writers I coach to do: write forward. By that, I mean that I basically “dump” the story on paper as it comes to me, without going back to review and perfect each chapter. Once I get it all written, I have something that I can return to and fine tune.

The Certain Ones: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in any of your books?

Stacy Hawkins Adams: That’s a great question. After giving it some thought, I don’t think I would, because what happens when you write fiction is that you begin a story with an idea of who the characters are and what their goals or issues are; but by the time you get immersed in the manuscript, the characters somehow “take over” their journeys and begin to guide the story. I know that sounds strange! But I guess just like in life, when people make choices or take paths we wouldn’t choose for them, as a writer, I allow my characters to authentically do the same.

The Certain Ones: What were the challenges you faced in bringing forth any of your books?

Stacy Hawkins Adams: The biggest challenge has been what most writers face – finding the time and summoning the discipline to sit down and write. It can be hard to focus when you’re busy with multiple projects, family and friends, and other things you’d like to do or have to do. I’ve overcome this by treating my writing as a priority, and understanding that sometimes I have to sacrifice social time or downtime to finish a particular project. The reward of seeing my published book months later always makes the effort worthwhile.

The Certain Ones: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
The same advice I just mentioned giving myself – to value your writing enough to treat it as a priority, even if everyone else laughs it off. In 2003, when I told people I was writing my first book, I got lots of chuckles and winks. If you only have time to write one hour a week, create a schedule and stick to it. Before you know it, you’ll have a finished first draft. You always have to rewrite and edit, to make what you’ve written the best it can be, but at least you’ll have something to start with.

The Certain Ones: Are you working on any new projects?
Yes, my ninth novel, “Lead Me Home,” will be released in July. It just received a starred review from Publishers Weekly magazine, so I’m excited about the early response, and can’t wait for others to read it. It’s already available for pre-order in book form and e-book form on most online bookstores. While I prepare to promote “Lead Me Home,” I’m writing another novel, which will be released in 2014.

The Certain Ones: What is something that your readers would find interesting about you?

This is a tough question… I think they may be surprised to know that while I am serious about my faith and love inspiring others through my books and my social media pages, I can also be pretty funny. I have a great sense of humor and love to laugh it up with friends and family. They might also be interested to know that I do some book coaching for aspiring authors, through teleseminars called “Author In You” that allow writers to call in for classes anywhere in the country. That website is

Thanks so much for featuring me in your magazine – I’m honored, and I wish you the best.



stacy hawkins adams

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