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Life’s Special GIFT…..A Mother

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Article by Jamesina Greene

Her children arise up, and call her blessed.”  Proverbs 31:28

    There is NO gift like that of a Mother.  A Mother is the Voice of her children.  She is the pride and honor badge of her husband.  In many communities, a Mother is the celebrated entity that garners immeasurable respect from everyone within.  A Mother’s voice trumpets causes on the behalf of her children, whether she physically birthed them or not.  There is no greater champion than that a Mother. 

    As children, it is to Mother that we run when our antics have caused us to be hurt.  When we fall off of our bicycles, or tumble out of bed, we scream for our Mother.  When other children make fun of us or push us to the ground, we scream for our Mother. 

    I have learned first-hand that this “screaming for our Mother” doesn’t end with childhood.  Throughout our lives, we face challenges that may bring us to our knees in submission.  We face obstacles that may place us flat on our backs in pain.  Whatever the case, we want our Mother.  Even when we ourselves became Mothers, we still want our Mothers.  During the most painful experience of my life, childbirth, it was much more bearable because my Mother was present.

    A real mother never ceases to protect her children.  No matter what life brings our way, we can rest in knowing that “Mom’s got my back.”  I personally believe that there is an eternal connection between a Mother and her children.  The bond that occurs in the womb continues throughout life’s Journey.  When a child is in pain, so is the Mother.  Wow!  What a precious gift!

    As a Mother, I have made many sacrifices to ensure the safety and comfort of my children.  I have gone without to make sure that they did not.  I have cried in secret so that my children would only experience my smile.  I have covered my pain so that my children would not experience the same.  However, I came to understand that I was the first person to teach my children and it is my job to continue teaching them as long as I live.  I will continue to speak “life” into their lives and tell them of God’s unconditional love for them. 

     My faith in my God has sustained me in those times of uncertainty.  I believe that one of my jobs as a Mother is to show to my children, the God in whom I believe.  Therefore, as my children grew, I allowed them to see and know the times that we struggled and were without.  It is during these times that the God of their Mother showed up.  This allowed them to witness the Hand of God for themselves. 

    If you do not have a positive relationship with your Mother, you do not have to fret. Our God is so amazing that He will place in your path, women who will “mother” you according to His divine plan.  Make sure that you are open to receiving these women into your life.  They will bring with them nurturing and healing that will touch you in just the right place at the right time. 

    There is nothing about your life Journey that the Father is not aware of.  He knows exactly who and what you need, exactly when you need it.  That includes godly mothering.

    This Month we have set aside a special day to honor our Mothers.  Children will make passage from all across the globe to pay homage to this phenomenal woman.  Multiple sacrifices will be made to secure her smile.  Today I encourage you not to wait for one special day to saturate your Mother with love.  Every day that you have breath, you must salute and honor this magnificent gift.  You must never allow yourself to de-value this gift and forget to appreciate it.  There is NO gift like that of a Mother.


Contact Jamesina Greene at:

Jamesina Greene is the talk show host of The Voice of Triumph Radio.

Click on link to listen to upcoming and past episodes.

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