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Of Your Singleness Make This The Best Summer Yet!




Article by Afi Pittman

It’s July and Summer is in full swing! Have you had your getaway or excursion? Have you been to the beach or at least a pool? Have you and your friends gotten together for some fun and food? If not, I want to challenge you

I remember the days when I thought not too many things in life were better than having a summer romance. How God can change you! I remember daydreaming about having romantic dinners at cozy bistros or pizza parlors, going to a festival, or getting away in some exclusive cottage. Not that those things are bad. But what happens when you have yet to experience those things with the right person or at all? Well, with God life goes on. But I know that you do have to acknowledge and work through your disappointment when what you really want is a romance that leads to a lifelong marriage.

So if it hasn’t happened for you yet, look on the bright side. You still have two more months to make this your best summer yet. How? Rediscover God as a romantic and your first love. Go for a walk early in the morning in a safe park and watch the sunrise. Lay out in your yard or a friend’s yard at night while the grasshoppers “serenade” you. Catch fireflies! (But let them go) Have a cup of tea and just sit in silence on the porch with God. Let God be your summer romance this year if you’re still single and haven’t found or been found by the right one.

And plan some fun things to do with friends and family. Summer is the best time to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Enjoy the gift of friendship and fellowship that your first love, God, has already given you. Have a cookout, go to a farmer’s market, or have a movie night in – or out (Transformers is out, after all!). But whatever you do, don’t just waste your free time pining for a romance that God might still be working on. Get out, spend time with friends and experience God in a whole new way.

So here’s to making this your best summer yet. I look forward to hearing about your excursions and your new encounters with your first love – God.





Afi Pittman is an author and radio show host. She is also active duty Navy and has traveled the world and lived abroad. Her company, Author of Faith Enterprises provides a safe place for single women to live happily while preparing for marriage.



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