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“This Ain’t It!”


“It has been good for me to be afflicted, so that I could learn your statutes.”

Psalm 119:71

 Article by Jamesina Greene

March stirs within us the desire to look ahead with anticipation.  This particular season of our Journey stirs up those things within us that have been lying dormant through the cold, dead winter months.  Without even noticing it, our hearts and minds begin to turn toward newness, freshness and experiencing uncharted territory. 

 As we look around us, we notice that our environment is beginning to change.  Nature itself begins to show signs of renewed life.  The sun rises in the sky earlier each day and the sounds of life are springing forth. It has been statistically proven that during the winter months, individuals experience more Depression and feelings of hopelessness.  The dark mornings do nothing to inspire you to get up and get moving.  The early arrival of the dark night makes you feel as if you are constantly trying to catch up with yourself and your responsibilities.  I am convinced that in many situations, what we “see” immensely impacts how we “feel”.

Likewise in the spirit realm, many of us have gone through “Winter” Seasons.  You know that period of your Journey where you feel useless and often lifeless.  That season where nothing seems to be happening.  Nothing is working for you.  Everything is at a standstill.  During this season, all of the “promises” of God seem to be unreal and there is no manifestation anywhere.  Everything that you believed is called into question.  The very foundation of your Faith is being called into question.  You feel as if you are stuck in a dark tunnel and there is no light in sight.


I declare to you, my friend, “This Ain’t It!”

 You must understand that this Season is just that “a Season.”  And just like the others, it will change.  Where you are now is only temporary.  Yet, it is necessary.  Every season is vital.  Every step of your Journey is necessary.  Even when it is uncomfortable, you must hold on and not let go.  “This Ain’t It!”.  One day, while going through my “Winter” Season, I became very disturbed.  I felt as if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, but nothing was happening.  I cried and I prayed.  I prayed and I cried.  I knew in my heart that I didn’t want to give up, but it seemed as if I was traveling in the wrong direction.  My prayers were not being answered.  I couldn’t hear God, even when I was being quiet. 

I shared my feelings with a sister friend and she said something very powerful to me.  It virtually changed my mind set.  I want to share it with you.  She said, “You must remember that “unanswered” prayer is still “heard” prayer.  Immediately, an overwhelming calm came over me.  I felt God’s peace in a whole new way.  He hears me even when I don’t hear Him.  He speaks to me in a variety of ways.  Ways that I was overlooking and misinterpreting.  He reminded me to rest in Him.  “This Ain’t It!”

 Often our Journey will take us through periods of darkness and despair.  It is during these times that we must remember and utilize the strength that lies within.  Each step is taking us closer to the fulfillment and manifestation of our destiny.  As we continue to Journey, we grow, we learn, we develop.  Even in our afflictions, we continue to pursue our Purpose.  We draw closer to the one who knows us best. It may not look like it right now, but it is good for us to be afflicted.  These times draw us closer to our Creator and give us invaluable opportunities to trust Him more.  I know this may not make sense to you right now, but believe me, “This Ain’t It!”

Contact Jamesina Greene at:




  1. This is a calling I never thought I could hear. You are a very inspiring woman who I believe was chosen to do great things by the Lord Himself! I am blessed just knowing you. Thank you for sharing this with me. It sure does explain a lot

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